2021 What a wonderful year we had. #Drawify is one the most exciting project we have done and it just completed its crowdfunding campaign, and with #Drawify, we have touched nearly every corner on the planet.
On the other hand, #iclair is telco based consultation platform that has conducted thousands of consultations, implying that we are part of the goal to assist and empower individuals all over the world.
We finished 2021 as a team and as a family and I thank all of my teammates, mentors, investors, founders and friends. I am really fortunate and grateful to work with such lovely and brilliant individuals who are the foundation of our success.
2022 will be a really exciting year for all of us, with a lot of amazing and brave things planned. We are filled with optimism and enthusiasm for the year 2022, which will mark the beginning of a new chapter for all of us.
Along with all of the fresh aspirations and promises, 2022 would offer hope and a lot more opportunities to work together.

I wish you a very happy and prosperous new year, and let us do #BRAVETHINGS.